バニラドーム コース2

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バニラドーム コース2
バニラドーム コース1 ~ バニラドーム コース3
Powerups Flower.png Feather.png
Lunar Dragon Dragoncoin.png
Goal Times
Normal Secret
96 Exit 247 273
All Castles 247
95 Exit, No Cape 248 255
Lunar Dragon 224 252

Normal Exit

Cape Categories

To restun the buzzy beetle; Hold down, let go of the shell, then press y+b together.

The sticky fly towards the end of the stage is a bit slower than locking flight speed earlier, but much easier.

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - Cape (Safe) Source: Sten

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - Cape (Fast) Source: Sten

95 Exit, No Cape

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - No Cape Source: Lambby

You can grab one buzzy at the end of the level and cross the goal with it. You'll get a mushroom that can be used for a deboost in Vanilla Ghost House.

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - No Cape (Safe Buzzy) Source: Schwartz_RTA

All Castles, No Cape

No Blue Yoshi

See the strategies in 95 Exit, No Cape above. It's not really necessary to get a mushroom in this level since the boo ring in Vanilla Ghost House is the same every run.

Blue Yoshi Route

Look closely at the movements in the water near the chuck to avoid having him not breaking the turnblocks.

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - No Cape, Blue Yoshi (Safe Bounce) Source: Schwartz_RTA

There is a faster way to do the shell bounce, but it is difficult and risky. You can easily take damage from the shell and lose yoshi.

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - No Cape, Blue Yoshi (Risky Bounce) Source: Schwartz_RTA

Lunar Dragon

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - Lunar Dragon Source: Umari0

Small Only

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Normal Exit - Small Only Source: rezephos

Secret Exit

96 Exit

Yoshi Clip

For general information on yoshi clips and subpixel manipulation, see the Yoshi Clips Page.
Getting into the wall can be quite tricky, and the timing will vary based on how quickly you swum up to the ceiling.

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Secret Exit - Cape (Yoshi Clip) Source: Sten

Yoshi Clip Flow Chart


No Yoshi Clip

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Secret Exit - Cape (No Yoshi Clip) Source: Sten

95 Exit, No Cape

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Secret Exit - No Cape Source: Lambby

Small Only

Video: Vanilla Dome 2 Secret Exit - Small Only Source: rezephos

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