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Video: Yoshi Clips Explained Source: Dotsarecool

Flow Charts



The reason yoshi clips are never better than 75% isn't based on RNG but based on yoshi subpixel incrementation based on different frames. Yoshi's subpixel will increment by 00, 10, 30 and 60 depending on the frame of dismount and this cycle of 4 frames repeats, just like Mario speed oscillation does every 5 frames at full pspeed. To clip through the corner, yoshi's subpixel has to increment past 70. This means that hitting the frame of incrementation that gives 00 will not increment yoshi's subpixel past 70 even with a good subpixel value between the 70 and F0 range.


This also means that technically clipping through the corner will always be a 3 frame window and isn't necessarily left up to chance. However, every 3 frame window for clipping through is completely blind, though attempts have been made at coming up with visual/audio cues for clipping through.


Dropping yoshi on the floor does randomize yoshi's subpixel, but not all hope is lost since there are techniques to increase the chance of clipping through after one attempt. Getting lucky and clipping through even with a randomized subpixel is the best option, but this doesn't always happen since this is just a 34/64 chance or 53.125%. Getting kicked out means one of these 30 frame/subpixel combinations were hit.

Subpixel 2.png

The first column is the frame that increments yoshi's subpixel by 60, the second increments by 00, the third by 10 and the fourth by 30. So by tracking these 30 bad frame/subpixel combinations, we can calculate the chance of clipping through after getting kicked out once. That will give: a 3/30 chance of having 00 or 10, an 8/30 chance of having 20, 30 or 40, a 7/30 chance of having 50 or 60 and a 12/30 chance of having 70 or greater. The math comes out as (3/30)*0+(8/30)*.25+(7/30)*.50+(12/30)*.75=48.333% chance to clip through. But what if we were to instead dismount off yoshi and remount him outside the corner to increase all subpixel values by 80? This now gives: a 2/30 chance of having 00 or 10, a 3/30 chance of having 20, 30 or 40, a 2/30 chance of having 50 or 60 and a 23/30 chance of having 70 or greater. This changes the math to instead come out as (2/30)*0+(3/30)*.25+(2/30)*.50+(23/30)*.75=63.333% chance to clip through. Not as good as the original 75% chance but certainly better than 48.333%. メインページへ